Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Move: One year later

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

I was cleaning out some files today and came across a print-out of a blog Adam wrote on August 5, 2008 titled The Move: One year later. I thought it would be neat to share it with all of you. It's his thoughts 364 days after moving to the sunshine state.

One year ago yesterday, I moved out of Indiana for the third time in my life. Come late tomorrow night, it will have been one year since I established my new home in Florida. This is officially the longest I've lived outside the borders of the Great Hoosier Nation.

The move was quite an abrupt and drastic one. I up and quit my job with no form of employment lined up. I sold off all my furniture and threw away all of my belongings that didn't fit into a U-HAUL trailer. I moved 1,400 miles to a place I'd only visited once to live with... gasp!... A GIRL!

Despite everyone's words of reassurance and support, I had my reservations and fears about The Move.

But 364 days later, it turns out everyone was right, I was wrong. The Move has turned out better than I could have imagined and has been one of the best decisions I've made in my life.

Almost immediately after arriving in Florida, everything started turning up. I got a job (or two) quickly, and even started working for a the newspaper. I made enough money to pay my bills. I made some friends. I went to the beach (often.)

the past year has been like one long, beautiful vacation. It's been like my 12-month sabbatical from the real world. About a month after getting to Florida and realizing things were going to work out, I haven't had a care in the world. Everything is so laid back and chill down here. Plus, it's hard to get upset about anything when, as soon as you walk out your front door, you're greeted by palm trees and 80-degree sun every day of the year.

Since The Move, I've been my own boss. I work from home as often as I like. I wake up at 10 in the morning and make phone calls and write stories in my underwear. It's beautiful. And, I've worked part-time as a lifeguard, which is the most relaxing and each job ever invented. Plus, I get a sweet tan.

I've always suspected that karma and the gods favored me. There's been too much good and not enough bad in my life to think otherwise. Now more than ever, I'm certain that fate smiles upon me. If anything, The Move has taught me that I can be successful at any of my endeavors. It's also taught me not to fear the unknown.

Sure it took some hard work, but let's be honest... there was a lot of luck involved. I just happened to be dating someone at the newspaper company where I got a job. And that newspaper just happened to be severely understaffed, resulting in much work and money for me. So, I feel into the perfect situation.

And the living with a girl thing? It's worked out pretty well, too. I'm no longer crashing in Penny's apartment; we have our own bad-ass place. I still don't have many belongings other than my huge flippin' TV. But that's all a man needs, right?

So all is well in Florida. I miss my friends, and I'd love to be in a bigger city. But The Move has definitely paid off, making me a much happier and content person.


P.S. The photo is from our first Christmas in Florida.

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