Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Finding your table

"Marriage is choosing someone again and again to love
and to cherish with each new dawn."

Instead of using chronological numbers for our reception tables I decided to bring in some personality. I initially thought that we would use traditional numbers and put photos of us in corresponding ages on the tables. For example, table 16 would have a photo of Adam and a photo of me at age 16. But, then I explored other options for using numbers. I thought about using years that have been important in our lives. This would include: the years our parents got married, we were born and when we met. Then I thought about using random numbers that are significant to us. This would include: 12 the number of Jim Kelly (Adam's favorite player) 7 the number of Jermaine O'Neal (Penny's favorite player) and 91011 the date of our wedding. But, we finally decided to name our tables after locations that have been significant. These will include: where we met, where we live, where he proposed and vacation hot spots. In addition to the location name there will be a short paragraph describing why the location is important to us. I thought this would be a neat way for our guests to get know us a little better.


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