Wednesday, March 9, 2011


"Marriage joins two hands to make one heart."
There is one wedding day tradition that almost every bride partakes in ... the something old - something new - something borrowed - something blue and a silver sixpence in your shoe. Something old signifies the life you had with friends and family before the marriage. Something new stands for your future life with your significant other. Something borrowed is an item borrowed from a happy married woman to ensure the current bride's happiness. Something blue represents the bride's purity and faithfulness. The silver sixpence in your shoe is to ensure wealth to the couple in their married life. I've been exploring ideas for this tradition.

The something old options I've been considering are: printing an old family recipe and sharing with guests as a simple favor and/or having this dish be part of the reception dinner. I also thought about having a piece of my mother's dress sewn into the inside of my gown or using lace from her veil on my bouquet.

Something borrowed ideas include: My grandmother's lacy tissue or a piece of jewelry.

The blue ideas are: Having the bridesmaids autograph the bottom of my shoe with a blue marker or having a monogrammed blue ribbon (with our initials and wedding date) attached to the inside of my dress tag. Or, wearing a pretty blue ring on my right hand.

Anyone have any other great ideas? What did you do?


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