Sunday, February 20, 2011

Life's little emergencies

"Trip over love, you can get up. Fall in love and you fall forever."

I'm a person who likes to be prepared and organized. I like to have everything planned out. I realize that there will be circumstances when I'm not prepared and that I could encounter an emergency but I still like to anticipate all of those things. So naturally, I started pondering what might happen during our wedding day. I started jotting down things that would help us avoid mishaps and then I decided why not create an emergency kit. I've been working on compiling one for the guys and one for the ladies. The kit includes everything from a sewing kit to an extra pair of black socks. Then I thought why stop with the bridal party... what if some of our guests have to deal with a mishap that they weren't planning on. So I expanded my idea and made emergency kits for the bathrooms. I'm still collecting items, but I'm hoping to finish this project soon.


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