Monday, September 27, 2010

Where is the love?

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own."
Benjamin Disraeli

I feel so blessed to be where I am today with a supportive family, loving friends and a wonderful fiance that I'm planning a lifetime of happiness with. I really want to share this love and blessings with others during our wedding.
I heard about a service called Special E which re-purposes leftovers from the reception. The staff will deliver extra food to homeless shelters, recycle bottle and cans, take floral arrangements to nursing homes and hospitals and even donate bridesmaid dress to disadvantaged teens. I loved the idea of contributing our blooms. Before hearing about Special E I wanted to appoint a close friend or family member to transport the buds to help spread some cheer. Some other options I'm considering are incorporating some charity work into my bridal shower by asking each guest to bring canned foods to donate to a nearby food bank. I've even contemplated forgoing favors for the guests and donating the money we would spend on trinkets to our favorite charity. I'm definitely planning to make care packages for some troops overseas when compiling packages for our out-of-town guests.
Adam and I both have family members that have been affected by breast cancer and I would love to do something to remember those loved ones. I'm seriously considering donating my wedding dress to Brides Against Cancer. The organization will resell my dress and accessories and use the proceeds to help a woman with cancer. The bridesmaids can donate their gowns to the Glass Slipper Project that provides prom dresses for disadvantaged girls. Feel free to share any other suggestions you have that would allow us to give back during this joyous occasion.


P.S. This is a photo of my mother and I. She's a breast cancer survivor.

1 comment:

  1. Penny, this is absolutely inspiring. I commend you for finding out this information. I've been to countless weddings; as both a guest, and as the dj/wife (and of course one time as the bride!). And everytime, I see them throw out so much food and other things. How wonderful that there is a way out there to help others. As for your've inspired me to consider donating my gown. Craig and I got married over 7 years ago. Immediately after the wedding, I had my dress preserved and put in this beautiful box to forever be entombed. And it just sits, on a shelf in my basement, just sitting. I am seriously thinking about donating it! Of course, I'll have to get over my sentimental attachment to it! Penny, you rock.
